Cloud Computing Solutions


Cloud Computing Solutions

Virtualize and make your enterprise IT more flexible with company name. Our cloud computing experts cover the complete range from the design and development of cloud infrastructures, the integration until the provision of cloud services from a single source.

What is Cloud Computing?

When using a cloud, you don´t need your own server. Instead you can place your complete IT infrastructure (e. g. computing & network capacity, data storage or software solutions) on an external server and simply access your IT online at any time and from any place.

Core advantages of cloud computing:

Cloud Computing by Aridox

In close cooperation with you, Aridox will be glad to work on the answers which truly promote your IT management. If understood correctly, cloud computing concepts can reduce costs, achieve flexibility, increase availability and simultaneously save internal and external resources.

Together with you, we will develop a tailor-made cloud computing strategy and identify those components which are most suitable for the cloud operation with respect to security aspects and compliance. With this coordination of the existing IT infrastructure including already virtualized services and automated processes, company name lays the ideal foundation for tapping the full potential of the cloud computing.

Aridox offers the following three core cloud computing services:


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